• UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging
  • UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging
  • UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging
  • UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging
  • UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging
  • UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging
    UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging
    UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging
    UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging
    UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging

    UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging

    UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging
    Inlet/outlet height: 20cm, adjustable
    Belt width: 50cm
    Mesh Belt Inorganic Speed Range: 0.5~5 m/min
    1. Packaging UV Sterilization for organic food products
    2. Packaging materials UV Sterilization for paste-like and fresh products in the cold chain
    3. Conveyor belts UV Sterilization for meat, fish, fruits and vegetables processing and packaging
    4. Surfaces UV Sterilization of food such as fruits, vegetables, hard cheeses

    UV Tunnel Sterilizing for Food, Beverages and Packaging
    UV Light Food Disinfection is Proven Safe
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, has studied the safety of foods treated with UV irradiation for over 30
    years and has found it to be a completely safe process. In addition to the FDA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture
    (USDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) have all
    endorsed UV food irradiation as safe.
    uv tunneluv tunnel food
    uv tunnel for disinfectionuv tunnel fooduv tunneluv tunnel food
    ↓ Contact Us for More Details About UV Tunnel ↓

    UV Disinfection Lamp Factory

    XPES is an international manufacturer of advanced high power germicidal uv lamp for a wide range of air and surface treatment applications. Founded in 2003 to solve the the problem of UV Disinfection, today it has grown into an professional manufacturer with more than 2000+ industry cases worldwide.

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